Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Our Commitment To You

Ayrshire College is committed to delivering high quality learning and teaching experiences and involving all students in the life and work of the College. These aims are underpinned with equally high standards in health, safety and wellbeing provision to protect staff, students, contractors and visitors from workplace injuries and ill health.

Cooperation on matters of health, safety and wellbeing between members of staff, students, contractors and visitors is strongly encouraged and the College expects everyone to act in a responsible manner.

The Health, Safety and Wellbeing team at the College is here to advise, assist and provide support to staff in managing health and safety effectively within the College.

If you would like to know more about health, safety and wellbeing or have a query – contact the team at or Martin Hammond, Health, Safety & Wellbeing Manager at 0300 303 0303

Fire Safety

The College is committed to providing a safe environment for its staff, students and visitors. Part of this responsibility is the provision and management of fire safety systems and procedures.

The fire alarm is tested every Wednesday at 11.00am on each campus with the exception of Irvine which is tested at 10.30am. The alarm will sound for approx. 10 seconds.


On Discovering a Fire:

• Raise alarm by activating a fire alarm call point


On Hearing the Fire Alarm:

• Leave the building by the nearest, safest exit or as directed by staff or fire wardens
• Escape routes and stairwells to evacuate premises are signposted
• Close doors behind you
• Proceed to designated assembly area
• Do not use lifts
• Do not delay or stop to collect personal belongings
• Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so


If a member of staff or student requires special provision to ensure safety in the event of an emergency evacuation for whatever cause, a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) is completed. The PEEP is prepared in consultation with the person concerned and tailored to their individual need. A PEEP may be required for individuals who are experiencing impairment (mobility, hearing, vision, cognitive), medical conditions, or short-term injuries/illnesses, or who have additional needs.

Visitors to the College should advise Front of House upon their arrival if they require any special assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation. The College has Generic Emergency Evacuation Plans for each building which are appropriate for visitors. You can view these documents below: 
Ayr Campus - Aeronautical
Ayr Campus - Dam Park
Ayr Campus - Riverside 
Kilmarnock Campus
Kilwinning Campus



Accidents, Incidents and First Aid

Accidents can occur and when they do the College has a procedure in place to report accidents and incidents. If you have an accident or are involved in an incident whilst on College premises, please report to this to your host, lecturer or directly to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing team at

The College has trained first aid staff available on all campuses. If you require first aid for yourself or for someone else who has been injured, please inform Front of House.

There are first aid rooms available at each main campus and emergency defibrillators can be found in the following locations at each campus:

Click here to view our defibrillator locations


Smoke Free Campus

Ayrshire College is smoke free which supports our commitment to providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment for staff and students.

Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes and vaping, is prohibited in all campuses, college grounds, car parks and college vehicles. Smoking in private vehicles on college campuses is also prohibited.


Click the links below to view our Smoke Free Campus leaflets:

Ayr Campus - Smoke Free Campus leaflet
Irvine Campus - Smoke Free Campus leaflet
Kilmarnock Campus - Smoke Free Campus leaflet
Kilwinning Campus - Smoke Free Campus leaflet

Health and Wellbeing

We encourage and support staff to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle through promoting both local and nationwide wellbeing and health initiatives. The College is working towards achieving the Healthy Working Lives Scotland Gold Award.

The Promoting Wellbeing Group at the College was established to lead, develop, implement and review a three-year action plan to underline the College’s commitment to supporting the positive wellbeing of all staff and students.

The action plan represents a whole-college approach recognising that the promotion of positive wellbeing and tackling stigma particularly around mental health is the responsibility of us all. Please find a copy of the Promoting Wellbeing Action Plan 2021 - 2024 below.

View our Promoting Wellbeing Action Plan

Daily Mile

We are encouraging our staff, students and community to keep active every day.

Walking a mile is an easily achievable target, taking on average around 15 minutes to complete. We are making it easy for people to reach their goal by mapping out a mile-long route for public use.

Click here to find the Ayr Campus 'Daily Mile' route (alternative routes)

Click here to find the Kilmarnock Campus 'Daily Mile' route here (alternative route)

Click here to find the Kilwinning Campus 'Daily Mile' route here (alternative route)



The College extends a warm welcome to all visitors. Upon your arrival on campus, please report to Reception where you will be asked to sign in. If you require directions or assistance Reception will gladly help you. The health and safety information below is also available at Reception. It is important to read this information.

Visitor leaflet

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