Diary of an Office Kitchen - Week 1

April 22, 2020 - Holly Elliott

Holly - Executive Assistant to the Vice Principals and Directors

Day 1 – Monday 23 March 2020

3.30am Woke up when David left for work.

6.30am Woken up by George. I’ve tried to explain to him that we can lie in for a bit. He’s unsure what that means.

8.00am Take dogs to day care whilst I still can.

8.40am Back home, logged on and raring to go!

8.55am Not a lot happening so put a wash on.

10.00am SLT virtual meeting. No one could hear me….it turns out the Principal may be happy about that! (See 4.40pm)

12.30pm Can’t stop eating.

3.00pm Curriculum Team virtual catch-up meeting. Everyone can see and hear me! Elaine’s cat Peaches joined the meeting and was rather taken with my dulcet tones. Peaches seems to me a great judge of character. What a lovely cat.

4.40pm Email from the Principal asking if Peaches had heard my laugh. This was then followed by the monkey emoji holding its hands over its ears.

4.41pm Logged off

9.30pm David home from work.

Day 2 – Tuesday 24 March 2020

4.45am Woke up when David left for work.

7.02am George woke me up. Dogs are now being home schooled. It’s a shame that Joe Wicks doesn’t do a PE lesson for dogs!

9.05am Logged on, I’m running late this morning.

9.30am Have already eaten scrambled egg on toast and half a packet of biscuits.

10.30am Listening to Pop Master.

10.50am Is it lunchtime yet?

12.00pm Heading to Auchincruive for a dog walk. Hope I’m not arrested! #stayathome

12.50pm Made it home! Didn’t get arrested.

1.10pm Making vegetable soup…it doesn’t smell too good.

1.35pm Eating vegetable soup which tastes better than it smells.

8.00pm David home from work. He’s early!

Day 3 – Wednesday 25 March 2020

4.30am Woke up when David left for work.

6.30am Woke up and the dogs didn’t. I now can’t get back to sleep so wake them up to see how they like it. Apparently they are not bothered.

8.30am Porridge making was a disaster. Where is June when I need her?

10.00am SLT virtual meeting using Zoom. It felt like we were all judges on Eurovision being in cubes spread across the screen. I was about to give everyone dix point when the Principal mentioned that I looked bored stiff…note to self, must practice focused, interested face.

11.00am Have realised I missed Pop Master. Can’t the SLT meetings be moved?

1.20pm Anne emails to ask if I think the College will get money back on an EasyJet flight we had booked for her upcoming visit, in April, to Coleg Sir Gar in Wales. I explain that EasyJet will probably just move the flight to a date later in the year. Even a worldwide pandemic can’t keep her from visiting Wales. She seems delighted.

3.00pm My jeans feel tight. I need to practice social distancing from the fridge.

9.10pm David home from work with a car full of 350 Easter eggs…

Day 4 - Thursday 26 March 2020

5.04am David and 350 Easter eggs left for work.

8.45am Logged on. No emails.

9.00am Hoovered downstairs. Had to text David to ask where the hoover lives. 10.30am Listening to Pop Master.

10.51am Got 12 points in Pop Master! Little wins…little wine…I mean wins!

11.30am Put make-up on for Curriculum Team catch-up Zoom meeting.

2.00pm Dogs already looking for their dinner. The three of us will be in a food coma at this rate. We must ALL stop eating.

3.45pm Learning how to play Lewis Capaldi’s “Someone You Loved” on the piano.

3.49pm Learnt how to play Lewis Capaldi “Someone You Loved” on the piano. It only has four chords and is rather dull without the singing. I hear Lewis is in self-isolation otherwise I would ask him to pop round to help out with the vocals.

4.30pm Panic! Jane had asked me yesterday how Rodders was getting on! Just checked in on him and he is still upright and resembles a plant. Win!

4.32pm Watched the Principal’s update. Am thankful that the 9 to 5 isn’t being monitored. I mean I am obviously observing a very strict 9 to 5 routine, but am glad that others don’t have to…

8.45pm David home without Easter eggs.

Day 5 – Friday 27 March 2020

5.03am David left for work.

6.55am Dogs hungry already and looking for food. Aren’t we all Maisy and George but we need to start rationing and show some restraint!

7.00am Dogs fed. In my defence, the clocks go forward at the weekend so this will be 8.00am.

8.45am Logged on after eating half a gluten free tiger loaf bloomer. (That was the only loaf left in the shop last night)

9.42am Put lipstick on ready for SLT Zoom meeting and practice interested face in the mirror.

11.08am Colourful spreadsheet presented at meeting with lots of numbers in lots of rows. Well done James! I got the feeling the team were more impressed with his skills at sharing his screen though.

11.09am Missed Pop Master.

1.00pm Share ‘Diary of an Office Kitchen Week 1’ with SLT…

2.28pm Email from the Principal asking her if I will not call her “the Principal” when sending out Diary of an Office Kitchen.

2.30pm After extensive negotiations, we settle on “the Principal”.

8.30pm David home with gin!

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