Diary of an Office Kitchen - Week 2

April 22, 2020 - Holly Elliott

Day 8 – Monday 30 March 2020

5.06am David left for work

7.30am Maisy wakes me up looking for food. Dogs must have a rota system going, this is obviously Maisy’s week.

9.45am Limber up ready for the SLT Zoom meeting.

10.30am Practice social distancing from the fridge.

10.35am Head in the fridge looking for food.

11.50pm Limber up ready for the second Zoom meeting of the day.

1.00pm Village has become busier than the M77 with people exercising. Head to Auchincruive to avoid being sociable. I am clearly taking this stay at home instruction more seriously than the folk of the village.

2.00pm Spend an afternoon redacting…such fun

3.30pm Break up an argument on WhatsApp between my cousins. The Nolans are just not worth falling out over in these unprecedented times.

8.30pm David home from work with dog treats, loaf of bread and a block of cheese.

Day 9 – Tuesday 31 March 2020

5.03am David left for work.

7.15am Wake the dogs up. Sigh.

8.45am Log on and realise no Zoom meetings planned for today. In an effort to stop eating so much food wear swimsuit instead of yoga bottoms at the kitchen office table.

8.47am Put yoga bottoms back on…

12.02pm Just heard on the radio that the UK public will remain calm about the Coronavirus. People phoned the police when KFC ran out of chicken for god’s sake!

5.00pm Tick off accomplishments for the day:

1. Didn’t open the gin until 5.01pm

2. Only ate two packets of crisps

3. Broke a sweat to I’m a Fire Starter by The Prodigy

4. Survived I’m a Fire Starter by The Prodigy

8.15pm David home from work with dog treats and a bag of salad leaves! (Is he trying to tell me something?)

Day 10 – Wednesday 1 April 2020

5.30am David left for work.

7.35am Maisy wakes me up by sitting on the remote control for the TV.

11.15am Head to Auchincruive to avoid the masses.

1.00pm Spend the afternoon redacting again … WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4.05pm Take a break from redacting. Favourite joke found on the internet today: “ To be honest, staff at my local Sainsbury’s were under the assumption that I've been panic buying alcohol for the last four and a half years. ”

4.06pm Pour glass of red wine.

4.35pm Call Mum for an update. Apparently, she is just in from scuba diving with Harrison Ford. Not sure she is telling the truth, as I was under the impression Harrison couldn’t travel at this time and was staying at home.

8.30pm David home with carrots and duck…yes carrots and duck. I had texted him earlier in the day to ask if he could bring home ground cumin. I can see his confusion.

Day 11 - Thursday 2 April 2020

6.10am David left for work. Obviously having a lazy day today.

7.50am George wakes me up. It’s Maisy’s day off.

8.30am Attempt to count how many times I’ve heard the word unprecedented on the news…..lose count and vow not to use that word anymore.

8.45am Make a very successful bowl of porridge.

10.00am Join a Zoom meeting I’m not invited to.

10.02am Leave the Zoom meeting I’m not invited to.

10.30am Postman knocks on door and literally runs to the other side of the front garden. I open the door and we have a marvellous shouty and loud conversation across the lawn.

12.00pm Join a Zoom meeting I am invited to!

2.02pm Have a Teams meeting with June and Linda. The main topic of conversation was a concern for running out of wine. We must all stay strong.

4.30pm FaceTime my sister. Her concern is she may not receive her Fortnum and Mason hamper in time for Easter. Stay strong sis….stay strong.

9.24pm David home with no shopping. No dog treats, no food, no booze…it’s a sad day for us all.

Day 12 – Friday 3 April 2020

6.10am David left for work. Another long lie in!

9.30am Order a take-away from Lairds Table for collection this evening. This has to be the most exciting thing that has happened in the last fortnight.

9.53am Get ready (brush hair) for the last SLT Zoom meeting of the week.

10.45am Run up stairs to water Rodders from the bottom up as per Jane’s instructions.

1.10pm Share ‘Diary of an Office Kitchen Week 2’ with SLT…

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