Diary of an Office Kitchen - Week 3

April 22, 2020 - Holly Elliott

Day 15 – Monday 6 April 2020

6:55am David left for work.

7.30am Get up to groundhog day. Here we go again.

8.15am Prepare a grapefruit and apple for breakfast along with a slice of wholemeal toast.

9.55am Dial into SLT meeting. The Principal is still on a tropical beach, which apparently is NOT her second home.

10.45am Catch the end of Pop Master.

11.15am Prepare a cup of green tea... (just prepare it –do not actually drink it)

12.15pm Eat a tuna salad.

1.00pm Eat a packet of crisps and half a packet of biscuits.

1.15pm Feel guilty for eating packet of crisps and half a packet of biscuits.

1.30pm Eat a cheese mayo sandwich.Will start healthy eating tomorrow.

4.00pm Have not stopped eating. It appears I have swapped my 10,000 steps a day for 10,000 calories a day. I’m sure it will be fine.

8.40pm David home from work with no food or booze.

Day 16 – Tuesday 7 April 2020

6.30am David left for work.

8.30am Get up. Even the dogs are not bothered about getting up.

10.30am Listen to Pop Master. Score nil point.

12.01pm Join Team Zoom meeting. As Gavin is on annual leave,we decide to chat about engineering, trades and computers.

12.32pm Receive letter from 10 Downing Street.

2.30pm Chat to Mum. She is feeling down as this week she should be in the Himalayas pony trekking. Try to reassure her that pony trekking in the Himalayas will go ahead once we all stop eating and drinking in self-isolation.

8.35pm David home again with no food or booze. We have a constructive conversation about where he thinks his priorities are.

Day 17 – Wednesday 8 April 2020

7.10am David left for work.

7.11am Get up to do yoga.

7.15am Back in bed with a cup of tea and a slice of toast. Yoga can wait.

10.00am Join SLT Meeting. The Principal begins the meeting by asking, “Michael are you there?” Michael then joins the meeting, not once but four times! Let the séance begin. Once Michael has got rid of his three other selves we all look at another spreadsheet that James has been very busy working on. I get accused of looking bored again. This is annoying as I’ve really been practising my focused interested face.

11.05am Missed Pop Master.

1.00pm FaceTime with my sister. She has just finished tutoring a virtual Pilates class. She invites me to join the next one. I check my diary...I’m busy.

4.45pm Email from Anne asking “Holly are you there?” Hello! Yes I’m here! I now really feel like I am in a séance... but as a spirit. Talking of which its gin o’clock time.

7.45pm David home with a cauliflower.

Day 18 - Thursday 9 April 2020

7.00am David left for work

8.00am Wake up feeling a bit hot and fat. Not sure what is scarier at this moment, taking my temperature or weighing myself.

8.02am Throw the two dogs off me, along with the two duvets and cool down very quickly. Decide against weighing myself, that would be scary.

11.30am Walk the dogs round Glastonbury*

11.40am Get in car with dogs and head to Auchincruive.

2.40pm Receive a message from a friend who seems to be struggling whilst working from home. When asked why he’s struggling he explains he hates the people he works with. He works for himself and lives alone.

3.00pm Pour a gin.Well it is the Easter holidays...(almost)

* The village feels busier than Glastonbury and is proving difficult to dodge humans whilst social distancing!!

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