L'Oréal – You’re so worth it

September 16, 2020 - Lisa Little

We have made it to September 2020 and Covid-19 is still affecting our lives with local lockdowns, restrictions on visiting friends and family, working from home is still the key advice from the Scottish Government with some of us returning back to work with control measures in place – it’s all a bit surreal if I’m honest. But alas, Covid-19 will be with us until a vaccine is found or there is a miracle!

I’ve been finding this year very difficult on a number of levels but especially with my mental and physical health which I am very much aware of. So much so, that I have developed a 5 year plan in order to get myself in better shape for, well let’s say a big birthday.

Over the lockdown period I had the notion of cycling and thought this would be great for me – so I bought a bike. Since it arrived I haven’t been off it. It’s been my best purchase for a long time. It’s been great to get out on the bike; the freedom, time to clear my head, enjoy the outdoors and meeting new people has been a blessing. I started going small journeys but now I can manage up to 35 – 40 miles so I am improving all the time.

I quite like mindfulness walking – where you take your time and enjoy nature and sounds around you in order to focus on the present moment. Well, I’ve taken up mindfulness cycling (I don’t even know if it’s a thing, but if it’s not, it should be) as I just love listening to the birds, the insects (apart from clegs as they want to eat me) and admiring the array of colours from the wild flowers at the side of the cycle path – just beautiful.

One of my ideas was to try and do a Triathlon, yip, you read that correctly. However, as it was lockdown there were no pools open and I don’t like open water swimming so I opted for the Leeds Virtual Duathlon which involved 40 Km cycle and 15 Km run. It took me 7 hours in total as I can’t run but walked the 15 Kms. I’m aware that many participants completed this in 2 hours or less – but I’m not in competition with anyone apart from myself. I’m very much aware that I’m not the fittest or the fastest but it was my first time in doing anything like this and I’m chuffed!

Cycling for me is part of looking after myself, self-care if you like. Many people think that taking time for themselves is selfish – honestly I used to be one of these people. My friend Diane always reminds me that looking after yourself is so important as you can’t pour from an empty cup. But why I say, “L'Oréal – You’re so worth it” she replies.

Please take time out for yourself as you are so worth it!


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