Staying home, staying safe, staying connected

April 15, 2020 - Shelagh McLachlan

Well it’s week three of the Coronavirus lockdown and working from home. Each week so far has been really different for me.

Week 1

I had just returned to work after a week’s annual leave and it was all about making sure the team were all OK, and everyone has what they need to work from home and establishing a new routine. I enjoy working from home, and I am lucky to have a room in my house that I can use as a home office. It’s also just me and my husband so it’s really quiet, but the biggest bonus is no interruptions! I appreciate for others it much more challenging. We got some great advice from our principal and this really helped to manage our expectations. Feeling very fortunate to work for Ayrshire College to be able to continue my job at home.

Week 2

It was hectic, and the week zoomed by with so many Microsoft Teams meetings. The marketing team have a daily catch up 10mins@10am to share information about what they are working on. Communication is vital in my team, and we have kept this going from a distance. I also connect with other marketing managers each week to share what we are doing. We launched a staff newsletter using Sway, and received good feedback. We are updating the website daily to provide helpful information to students about completing their course, and to reassure applicants for next year that we are still open, and of course we are continuing with our recruitment campaign. Overall, it felt like a really productive week.

Week 3

The curriculum staff are off on their Easter Break, so I am hoping over the next two weeks the pace will slow down. I am starting the week with this blog, as I find the process of reflective writing, helps me deal with stress and anxiety. It forces me to think about how I am dealing with any situation and identify any issues that need sorting out, as well as recognising just how much has been accomplished.

What keeps up my spirits

That’s easy – my grandchildren, the beautiful sunny weather and enjoying nature – especially hearing all the birdsong instead of traffic noise.

Food is also at the top of my list of priorities! Comfort food is good at a time like this, so all my favourites are on the weekly dinner menu. Tonight its oven baked garlic chicken with parmesan and the smell in the house is just wonderful.

Prepared by my in-house personal chef and thanks to Delia for the recipe

Exercise and me, have a reluctant relationship. I do like walking with my dog, and it’s usually Dean Park and then we head out further into the countryside. I have been enjoying daily Pilates and it helps me stretch after a long day. I miss the fun and the interactions of my class, but actually I’m probably having more of an impact by doing it every day rather than once a week.

Do more of what makes you happy

I am not great at relaxing, I seem to need to keep my hands busy, so crafting is my go to hobby. Sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, scrapbooking, needle felting, creative writing are all the things I love dipping in and out of. My latest projects are:

Upcycling my “Phoebe from Friends” dress into a pin board and writing a personalised story for my grandchildren.



The Hare and the tortoise

This kind of sums up my marriage! I am always haring around at 100 miles an hour (my husband’s words, not mine), while he is enjoying a very relaxing retirement with his feet up. Being at home 24/7 has meant that I have slowed everything in my life down, and made time to enjoy more music, reading, watching TV, and just being kind to myself. We have also been very sociable with family and friends, and organised lots of quizzes and wine/natter sessions. Probably seen them more than we would normally, in some cases.

This incredible story of endurance is worth a read

Social media

I’m really enjoying how ingenious and resourceful people are, by using their talents, to entertain us, and keep up our spirits. I love the community choirs and the informal performances from people’s homes. Here are a couple of things I have really enjoyed today.

Hope Blamire - her new painting, “Paradise Awaits” of beach in Harris, keeps us hoping for the future when we can visit beautiful places like this.

Tom Fletcher’s kids form a band and raise money for Marie Curie. This is amazing.

I’m inspired by ….

The BBC are doing a great job covering this crisis and sharing stories of people on the front line who are helping to save lives. In my own family, my daughter and her fiancé are both paramedics. My best friend, is a senior practice nurse, her daughter, a midwife, her son a police officer. My other daughter is a principal teacher, continuing to work in school, looking after key workers children. All these people close to me, inspire me every day with their bravery in these terrible times. However as a mum I worry about their health and safety all the time. We expect so much of them.

The local press are sharing stories of volunteers in the community who are making sure we have food to eat, and everyone is being cared for. People are amazing, innovative and resilient, and at times like this you are so proud of your community. We are also hearing of local businesses like QTS that have stepped up to help by donating money to foodbanks, and companies like William Grants in Girvan, who are producing ethanol to distribute to hand sanitiser producers.

Ayrshire College are also making a great effort to support our students at this difficult time, and also making a significant contribution to the needs of the wider Ayrshire community.

Finally, I heard today that the New Zealand Prime Minister has said that the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny are designated key workers. That’s the spirit!

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