What makes you happy?

March 24, 2020 - Jane Moore

NC Photography students at Ayrshire College have been reflecting on a busy year at the Ayr Campus, asking 'What makes you happy?'

The exhibition was a 'Working with others' unit project; the images were not so much chosen because they were the student's best work from across the year.  Rather, the students carefully planned and created each image with their chosen them in mind, 'What makes you happy?'

Here's what the students had to say about their work -

"The images contained in this exhibition all relate in some way to the theme “What Makes You Happy?”

An age old question designed to make us take a moment out of our busy schedules to stop and appreciate the things, big and small, that make us smile.

As a class we thank you, for taking the time to take a glimpse into our world, to see what brings us happiness. - NC Photography Class of ‘19/’20."

Here's a selection of their images.  you can find all of the exhibition on the College's Flickr page.


Helen Bradford - "I decided to take night classes at Ayrshire College and enjoyed learning and exploring photography further.  I enjoyed these classes so much that I decided to quit my full-time job and study photography full-time at Ayrshire College."




John Forbes - "I got into photography about 4 years ago and immediately realised that it was what I wanted to do with my life. I really like the way that a photograph can freeze a moment in time and preserve it forever."


Mark Jewell - "I'm a mature(ish) student at Ayrshire College. After many years of working full time, with my daughter starting high school, I took the financial risk to quit the dreaded 9-5 for something I love."


Pamela Mcwilliam - "After discovering a love for makeup artistry and achieving my HND, I have ventured into the world of photography."

An insightful and interesting brochure was also created to accompany their exhibition - view the brochure.

Click here to view the students' work.


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