5 Things to Consider Before Starting College

June 11, 2024 - PG

1. Small Steps Can Make a Big Impact 

Taking the first small step in your new academic journey is a significant achievement. We can support you by breaking down learning into manageable steps, helping you stay on track and achieve your goals.


Photograph - Walk4Lionheart 2023

2. Set Your Goals and Plan Ahead 

The first move towards success is deciding not to stay where you are. Now is the time to set life goals and think about your future beyond the next year. What do you aim to achieve? Share your career aspirations and start planning your path.


3. Surround Yourself with Inspiration 

In college, you'll meet new friends, engage with lecturers, and connect with people who can help you succeed. Seek out opportunities for work experience, volunteering, and competitions. Choose the people who inspire and motivate you.


Photograph - ScotHot and Country Range Student Chef Challenge 2023


4. Believe in Your Potential 

College is not just about earning a qualification and learning new skills; it's also about building confidence in yourself. We are committed to recognising and nurturing your potential, helping you grow into your best self.


5. Embracing Opportunities 

College is a great place to start building a network. Embrace every opportunity that comes your way, as you never know where it might lead. Work hard, establish yourself as a reliable and skilled individual, and leverage your network for future success.

Photograph - Graduation 2023

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