• Business

    Essential Digital Skills for Work - Ayrshire Skills Investment Fund

  • Attendance / Duration

    Fridays - 6 Weeks (9:30am - 3:30pm)

    Ayr, Kilmarnock & Kilwinning Campus

  • Cost


    (See eligibility below for details)

Ayrshire Skills Investment Fund

To register your interest for this course please click here

We are delighted to announce that Ayrshire College has attracted funding support from Ayrshire Skills Investment Fund (ASIF) to promote digital skill courses across our region. This is an exciting opportunity to help support you on your digital skills journey.

This funded course is available for Ayrshire only residents and must be in one of the following priority groups:

  • Young People (aged 16-24 years old and have left school)
  • Females
  • People in low paid employment (those earning less than £16.25 per hour which is the average hourly rate for Ayrshire workers or under £30,000 per annum)
  • People with long term health conditions or disabilities (i.e., health conditions which affects the person daily and will last or has lasted for more than 12 months)

What's Involved?

This 6 day course is fully funded by the Ayrshire Skills Investment Fund to support different audiences, including:

  • Individuals entering the workforce for the first time seeking to learn about personal and digital skills needed for work
  • Individuals who have basic digital skills and are looking for refresher training to re-enter work or change career
  • Individuals who regularly use digital skills in their role, and are looking to improve work practice or career prospects.

We will deliver these courses from 9.30am to 3.30pm at Ayr, Kilmarnock, and Kilwinning Campuses of Ayrshire College on 6 consecutive Fridays, subject to demand.

This course is suited for all job roles and sectors and has no formal entry requirements. It will appeal to those looking to gain a baseline knowledge of digital skills in their own capacity. This course is a powerful tool for businesses looking to upskill their employees.

To register your interest for this course please click here

Course Content

Day 1: Excel Beginners to Intermediate

Our morning session will cover data entry, formatting, basic calculations, and formula usage. Our afternoon session will progress to advanced techniques such as Conditional Formatting and chart creation for effective data visualisation and analysis.

Day 2: Your Digital Footprint & Cybersecurity

Our morning session will cover concept of digital footprints, including activities that shape them, privacy concerns, and strategies for building a positive digital presence. Our afternoon session covers cybersecurity awareness by discussing security risks, safe device usage, and methods for identifying secure websites.

Day 3: Microsoft Powerpoint & Presentation Skills

Create dynamic presentations in the morning session, covering slide creation, content addition, formatting, design, transitions, animations, and delivery methods. The afternoon session focuses on honing presentation skills, including preparation, visual aids, management, communication, handling questions, and advanced techniques.

Course Content

Day 4: Microsoft Teams & Introduction to Coding

Our morning session focuses on Microsoft Teams, covering team creation and management, channel addition, team communication, file collaboration, and meeting scheduling and management. In the afternoon session, participants are introduced to coding, exploring its definition, significance, practical application, and identifying appropriate contexts for its use.

Day 5: Microsoft Word & Microsoft Forms

Our morning session will cover Microsoft Word skills, including text entry, formatting, alignment, applying page and section breaks for document layout enhancement, styling for formatting consistency, and image insertion and positioning. In the afternoon session, attention shifts to Microsoft Forms, covering survey or questionnaire creation, customisation of question types and form settings, diverse form sharing methods, and viewing and analysing form responses.

Day 6: Emotional Intelligence & Team Working

The final session offers a deep dive into crucial soft skills. Participants will explore Emotional Intelligence, including its definition, components, and development, alongside the benefits of teamwork, team composition, and strategies for improving teamwork skills to foster effective collaboration and productivity.

To register your interest for this course please click here

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