• Hospitality and Professional Cookery

    Foundation Apprenticeship - Hospitality (Level 5)

  • Eligible schools

    East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire

  • Location / Days / Times

    Loudoun Academy

    This course is for school pupils only. Mixed timetable throughout the week

Who is the course for?

This one-year Foundation Apprenticeship will be offered in academic year 2024-2025 with delivery based in Loudoun Academy throughout the timetabled week. Learning will be supported through East Ayrshire Council.

You can choose a Foundation Apprenticeship in Hospitality as one of your school subjects. It can be chosen in S4, S5 or S6 and normally takes one year to complete. This qualification is the same level of learning as a National 4 or National 5 and can be the start of the journey for anyone looking to undertake a career in hospitality.

This course will help you gain industry knowledge and understanding you will need, and help you develop your skills and qualities needed working in a fast-paced environment. It will help you get ready for the world of work and give you practical experience while learning.

All travel and training are organised and covered by the school and council and will give you invaluable experience while learning.

What is the course about?

>The Hospitality Foundation Apprenticeship offers an exciting opportunity for learners to delve into the hospitality industry, and gain qualifications that will help you with part-time or future career choices.

Learners will achieve the following qualifications:

  • Skills for Work Award in Hospitality Skills
  • Work Based Challenge. This will give you insight and practical experience in the hospitality sector and allow you to work with employers.

You will learn about food safety and preparation while maintaining a safe and hygienic working environment. Developing your customer service skills will be key and working closely with your peers to prepare and plan your projects.

You will learn through practical experience and then reflect on the activity to evaluate and identify learning points and prepare you for the world of work developing your employability skills. This Foundation Apprenticeship will help you develop the skills to work in a professional kitchen and give you exposure of working front of house in any hospitality setting.

You will develop your meta-skills through the delivery of a project and use live events as your experience towards your coursework. Learners will also get their REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene certificate.

In addition to the course subjects, you will have experience working with your classmates and will get a range of exciting experiences along the way.

What are the entry requirements?

For a place on this course, you'll need:

  • to be keen to learn new skills
  • to be confident in working at SCQF Level 5
  • a commitment to consistent and full attendance
  • to have a career aspiration to work in the Food & Drink industry

How will I be assessed?

  • unit assessment
  • continuous assessment throughout the year
  • work placement and notes

Next Steps

This qualification is suitable for a variety of learners, perhaps most obviously, those planning a career in the food and drink industry. The qualification is recognised as equivalent to a Higher by most universities for most related courses, and further guidance on this will follow. Learning pathways for pupils completing the course can include employment within the industry; a Modern Apprenticeship in Food and Drink Operations; progression into HNC/D at college; or study at degree level at university.

Closed for Application



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