• Supported Learning

    Steps to Volunteering

  • SCQF Level

    Level 2

  • Attendance/Duration



Steps to Volunteering is Level 2 Part-time course tailored for young school leavers and learners returning to education. In just 3 days a week, you'll receive the support needed to navigate the transition from school to college. This course focuses on practical skills, nurturing independence, and providing a supportive environment for those with learning disabilities or on the Autistic Spectrum. Embrace a new learning journey that's both engaging and tailored to your needs. You may discover talents you never knew you had!

Entry Requirements

Whether you're a recent school leaver or have been out of education, this course welcomes you. Formal qualifications are considered, but if you lack them, your life experiences matter too. Apply now and explore the possibilities.

Course Content

  • basic life skills: from safe kitchen practices to healthy eating
  • financial literacy: learn to manage money, budget, and shop responsibly
  • enterprise skills: dive into real-life projects like running a campus stationery shop
  • creative skills: develop talents through projects like crafting items for charity
  • social skills: participate in drama performances to boost confidence
  • global citizenship: explore and understand the world around you
  • essential skills: communication, numeracy, ICT, teamwork, and problem-solving in real-life contexts

Next Steps and Career Opportunities

Upon successful completion, you may have the opportunity to consolidate your learning with a variety of supportive courses. Explore academic progression, apprenticeships, or entry-level jobs. Take a step toward a future full of possibilities.

Why Choose this Course

You will gain practical life skills in a supportive environment and develop transferable skills like communication and numeracy. Nurture creativity through hands-on projects and boost confidence and social skills through drama performances. Lastly you will get the chance to explore global issues and become a responsible global citizen.

Embark on your journey with "Steps to Volunteering" – where learning meets real-world application. Apply now and shape your future!

Closed for Application



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