Joint statement from SQA and Colleges Scotland
this is a joint statement from sqa and colleges scotland. you will find frequently asked questions relating to our students at the bottom of this page - please read.
this information can also be found on our coronavirus information page.
SQA is continuing to work closely in partnership with Colleges Scotland in these unprecedented times. We advised you in our statement of Thursday 26 March 2020 that we have been working together to recognise learner achievement in as fair a way as possible.
We have also worked closely with representatives within colleges, over the last week, to create guidance around the approach for college delivery and quality assurance for Higher National Certificates (HNC), Higher National Diplomas (HND), National Certificates (NCs) and National Progression Awards (NPAs) qualifications, as well as National Qualification (NQ) units, which may be part of college certificated courses.
Approach to assessing HNC, HND, NC, NPA and NQ units
We can confirm that we have aligned the approach for all these courses and units in line with our previous statement on Higher National (HN) qualifications. This means that college colleagues will be able to take a holistic approach, where necessary, in determining grades. This will enable colleges to use their professional judgement to assess other learner evidence, including knowledge of their learners’ progress and achievements to date.
Today, SQA, in collaboration with Colleges Scotland and college colleagues, has provided guidance materials to all colleges in Scotland, which provides them with further information on this change in approach for this session.
We appreciate that learners may have questions about these arrangements, and their own colleges will have helpful FAQs to answer these.
Resulting and Certification
Once holistic assessment decisions have been finalised, learner results for the planned units contained within a group award will be submitted to SQA through normal resulting channels. Certification will be undertaken by SQA in line with normal arrangements. Any changes to these will be communicated to colleges.
It is essential that accurate and complete data is entered for certification to ensure that learners are awarded the certificates they deserve, enabling them to take their next steps into further or higher education, employment or apprenticeships.
External Verification
Again, in line with our previous statement, given the current situation, we will operate a reduced external verification model for HNs, NCs and NPAs, that will enable a reasonable level of quality assurance to be undertaken remotely, to support the safe and secure delivery of our qualifications, whilst recognising the current challenges we all face.
Next steps
SQA is currently reviewing the subject areas where alternative approaches to assessment may not be suitable and therefore a holistic approach cannot be taken, for example, where there are matters
of health and safety to be considered. Further guidance on this will be provided to you in the coming days.
In addition, we are in discussions with regulators and other relevant bodies, reviewing the position for other vocational qualifications, including Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs), Professional Development Awards (PDAs) and licence to practise qualifications. We will provide an update and guidance for these as they become available.
Please be assured, that everyone at SQA and Colleges Scotland is fully committed to working with you to deliver for Scotland’s learners at this exceptionally difficult time. Thank you for your patience and continued co-operation.
6 April 2020
frequently asked questions
Q: Why do I need to still undertake assessments?
A: Although face-to-face learning and teaching has stopped, arrangements have been made in many areas for learning to continue remotely to enable you to complete your course successfully despite the very challenging conditions we are all experiencing currently. Continuing to engage in assessment opportunities will ensure that you have comprehensive assessment evidence. Staff will review this to decide on a result for you.
Q: Shouldn’t all students just pass the course? It isn’t our fault we can’t continue as
A: It is vital that any award made is supported by a rigorous and fair assessment process. The college recognises the challenge and frustration experienced by our students and is working hard to support you and to ensure that your hard work and achievement is rewarded.
Q: How will my course result be determined?
A: Experienced college assessors will review all the available assessment evidence to assess whether you have met the course aims. Using this evidence, and their knowledge of your engagement and progress, they will holistically estimate your individual success.
Q: I have additional support needs. What does all of this mean for me?
A: Staff will use the most appropriate assessment methodology to make the assessment accessible for you. This will be in partnership with college student support services. This could include, for example, the use of professional discussion instead of a written exercise if you normally require a scribe.
Q: I have a conditional offer from university and my Graded Units will be impossible to complete.
A: Where it is not possible to complete the Graded Unit (for example because you have no access to necessary resources or equipment), staff will use any Graded Unit work completed to date plus a range of other assessment evidence to predict and award a grade, where it is possible to do so. This will depend on the quality and sufficiency of evidence available.
Q: I haven’t been able to fully achieve my course because my assessment evidence was insufficient. How and when will I be able to complete any units that I did not get awarded?
A: Where you have not achieved your award and this is considered a direct result of the impact of college closure, your entry can be left open and you should be given the opportunity to engage in further learning, teaching and assessment when conditions allow. Colleges are seeking to ensure that there is no detriment to learner funding entitlements in these situations.
Q: What if I don’t get the grade I expected?
A: If you feel that the assessment outcome reached does not accurately reflect your achievement you will be able to submit an appeal follow the college’s academic appeals process.
Q: I don’t have computer access to my college. How will my assessment decision be determined?
A: We recognise that, for some students, there are particular barriers to continuing to engage with learning, teaching and assessment. If there is already a significant amount of evidence in place, it may be possible for staff to use this to predict a grade. However, there may simply be insufficient evidence. If this is the case your entry can be left open and you should be given the opportunity to engage in further learning, teaching and assessment when conditions allow. Colleges are seeking to ensure that there is no detriment to learner funding entitlements in these situations.
Q: I have caring responsibilities and haven’t been able to engage with ongoing opportunities for assessment.
A: We recognise that, for some learners, there are particular barriers to continuing to engage with learning, teaching and assessment. If there is already a significant amount of evidence in place, it may be possible for staff to use this to predict your grade. However, there may simply be insufficient evidence. If this is the case, your entry can be left open and you should be given the opportunity to engage in further learning, teaching and assessment when conditions allow. Colleges are seeking to ensure that there is no detriment to learner funding entitlements in these situations.
Q: Will universities recognise my grades?
A: Yes. Your result and grade will result from a rigorous evidence-based assessment process. This will be a valid result that reflects your achievement throughout your course.
Q: Can I progress within college with an incomplete result?
A: This will depend on your individual progress. Staff would discuss with you the available options.