Ayrshire College takes pride in helping apprentices build their future careers — so it was the perfect venue to host a recent visit by Scotland’s Education Secretary to meet budding bricklayers from one of the country’s top housebuilders.
Ayrshire College hosted a special 10th anniversary dinner on Thursday 15 February for invited guests who have played a prominent role in the College’s success over the years.
Students on Sport and Fitness courses at Ayrshire College have finished a training programme with Dementia Friends, allowing them to understand the brain condition and put together a bespoke exercise programme for centre users at Alzheimer Scotland.
A Professional Cookery student and lecturer from Ayrshire College have returned from the Culinary Olympics in Stuttgart with silver and bronze medals.
Partners underlined their commitment to making Ayrshire a ‘5G Innovation Region’ at an event this month.
A student from Ayrshire College has been recognised at the prestigious British Education Awards.
Ayrshire College’s Science department has put together a fantastic activity for school pupils – enlisting them in a Crime Scene Investigation into a case of missing sweeties!
Ayrshire College has continued its programme of boccia tournaments for students in the Supported Learning department, facilitated by Sport and Fitness students at the Kilmarnock Campus.