Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

We can support you, here’s how:

What is happening or has happened to you isn't your fault.   When you are ready, we will be here to support you the best we can. 

What matters most to us, is that you get the support you feel you want and need.  So, that might mean you choose to not report an experience or incident to us through Report and Support.  That's ok.   

But, when you tell us, we can better support you and others like you.   Here's who you can be in touch with for support:

Student Services

Each main College campus has a team of Student Services Advisors who are able to support Ayrshire College students with a number of different queries or concerns.  When you become an Ayrshire College student, your Student Services Advisor will become known to you.  If however, you are unsure who they are and would like some support, email

College Liaison Officers

Ayrshire College has three College Liaison Officers who are based at the College full-time and provide advice, guidance and support to students and staff.  You can contact them directly or through Student Services.  

  • Frank Lynch - Police Liaison Officer 
  • Anne Kennedy - Alcohol and Drugs Liaison Officer 
  • Michelle Morton - Mental Health Liaison Officer 

Human Resources

Ayrshire College staff can contact a Human Resources Advisor for support.  The College has three HR Advisors who are based at our Ayr Campus: 

  • Stephanie Campbell 
  • Lucy Shields 
  • Susanne Young

All general enquiries can be made via the HR team mailbox on 

The College also has MCL Medics for our staff.   This resource is there for you to use freely and when you feel you may benefit from it.  

You matter to us.  We will do what we can to make you feel safe and supported at College.


‘S’ Word/Ayrshire College Suicide Prevention

The S Word is an Ayrshire College suicide prevention campaign.  It aims to encourage a more open conversation about suicide and through this, ensure that those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts are supported and enabled to reach out for support. 

From Michelle Morton, Mental Health Liaison Officer:

"Whether we witness or experience any type of harassment, bullying or hate in our lives, it can leave us feeling many complex emotions that we may not understand or know how to cope with.  It is therefore needless to say mental health vulnerabilities such as depression, anxiety, trauma and even suicidal thoughts sit high up in this context of negative experiences that affect can heavily impact our mental wellbeing, especially where incidents or violence or aggression have taken place. 
People can often become withdrawn from their normal lives due to fear and anxiety, or even become uncharacteristically angry with the world around them because of how these experiences have made them feel combined with the loss of control and empowerment the perpetrator has taken from them. 

As Ayrshire College’s Mental Heath Liaison Officer I would like to reassure all students and staff that should they ever have to make a report of this kind that there is a wealth of mental wellbeing support available to them. This includes my own support as well as those from our Student Services team, fully trained counsellors and lots of self-help resources that can all be utilised collectively if required, or individually – whatever the person needs from us in their time of need.' 







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