Inclusive Learning

Inclusive Learning (Additional Support)

If you have a support need that impacts on your learning and participation at college, the first step is letting Inclusive Learning know. It is important for you to make contact with us as early as possible.


• Ticking the box on your application form

• Speaking to a member of staff when you are invited for a course interview or at induction

• Dropping in to Student Services for a referral 

• Emailing

Or telephone:


(01294) 555325 

What We Do

Who We Support What Support We Offer

Ayrshire College is committed to supporting all of our students to have a positive learning experience. We support students with:

A member of Inclusive Learning will meet with you to discuss your support needs and agree your Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP). We also provide:

Visual Impairment

Dyslexia Screening

Hearing Impairment

Equipment Loan

Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Demonstration of Assistive Technology

Physical Disabilities

1:1 Support and Workshops

Medical Conditions

Learning Assistant Support to Read, Scribe or Note Take

Specific Learning Difficulties

Sign Language Interpreters

Unseen Disabilities

Assessment Arrangements

Mental Health

Help With Applying For Disabled Student’s Allowance

Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

Liaison With Curriculum Staff

Care Experienced Students 

Liaison With Curriculum Staff

Young Carers

Working in Partnership With External Agencies

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)

The Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) is designed to meet additional study needs that affect students with a learning difficulty such as Dyslexia, a sensory or physical impairment, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, medical condition, medical health condition, disability or other evidenced need.

DSA funding can assist with the purchase of specialist equipment and assistive software, learning assistant support for readers, scribes, etc. and a basic allowance for consumable items such as printer paper and ink cartridges.

If you think you are eligible please speak to the Inclusive Learning Team at your campus or check the SAAS website for further details on DSA.

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