Ayrshire College goes Roon the Toon!

June 8, 2018 - Martin Currie

Over a thousand runners will start the race at 10am, and 17 of them will be sporting Ayrshire College t-shirts. So if you see our team out there, make sure you cheer them on!

Representing Ayrshire College will be: Katy Anderson, Ross Cairns, Teri Evans, Christine Hutchison, Johnny Kennedy, Barry Kerr, Jamie Knox, Susan Laing, Fraser Lennox, Alan McDowall, Mark McGregor, Angela Sheridan, Richard Simson, Michael Sykes, Sara Turkington, Doreen Wales and Ray Walkinshaw.

Doreen, who is the Head of Inclusive Learning and the Chair of the Promoting Wellbeing Group at the College, spoke to us ahead of the race to talk about the benefits of exercise.

Doreen Wales.jpg

Doreen said “I love running simply because it helps me keep fit and it also relieves stress. You can clear your head when you’re running, and it makes you feel good.

“It’s also motivating. People have been saying they’ll be looking to keep it going after the race. So we’re thinking that we might continue training and maybe work towards another race.

“If anyone is interested in joining us just get in touch. We’ve been encouraging people to get out and get fit, whether that’s walking, jogging or running. For example the College has recently signed up to the Daily Mile.

“Roon the Toon is a brilliant event – Kilmarnock is a fairly small town so you’ve got people out on the streets cheering you on throughout the entire race. It’s a great atmosphere – as well as the club runners who are actively going for a good finishing time, you have people walking and jogging who are just enjoying the event.

“Two years ago we won a team prize, and we’ve entered again under the ‘Educational Establishment’ category, so hopefully we’ll win a prize again! But it’s all just good fun.”

Pressed to commit to a target time, Doreen said “I’ve not been training hard recently so as long as I get under an hour I’ll be happy!”

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