Design a Career at Ayrshire College

April 18, 2019 -

We spoke to Shaun and asked him to share his passion for design and what inspires him to create an inspirational new lifestyle for his clients.

Shaun Dunbar - JS Geddes.jpg
Shaun Dunbar

“My springboard to work in the design industry started when I was a student at the Ayr Campus of Ayrshire College, studying Art and Design.

Once I graduated, I kept my options open and ended up working for the kitchen design company, J.S. Geddes, firstly from an interior design point of view, which led to kitchen design, which then led to sales and a management role. 

This is my eighteenth year working for J.S Geddes, and I’m delighted I’ve had a lasting and enjoyable career so far with them. 

When I first started I knew about graphic design, form and format, colour balance, that sort of thing, but I knew nothing about designing a practical working kitchen.

With my creative background and my knowledge from the course, I was well prepared to come into the design industry.  Other skills I’ve learnt on the job include customer skills, how to make a practical work space and all the other essential skills involved in designing a bespoke kitchen.

Working in the design industry, every project is different, every client is different.  It’s a great opportunity to create!

Although I’m not doing what I did at college, in the sense of drawing and painting, I’m still using a creative outlet to be able to help clients to realise their dream kitchen. 

I really enjoy helping the designers I work with to develop and always try to enthuse them as well as designing.   

Initially, a creative brain is a good starting point for a career in design.  Things develop and change within the industry very quickly, and if you can think laterally, you’ll go far!

Going to Ayrshire College was fundamental to where I am in my career now, there’s no two ways about it.  Without the encouragement of my Lecturers at the time, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

My enjoyment of art and design, developed into a focus, which developed into a career.”

Explore your future career options in Art and Design here.

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