Double success for Apprentices

March 8, 2019 -

Jordan and Gregor Malone are both 20 years old and started studying NC Manufacturing in 2018.

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John and Gregor Malone

When they left school, Jordan and Gregor were unsure of their next steps. But when their dad suggested Aircraft Engineering they were both keen to find out more. Following an interview and aptitude test, they were successful in securing an apprenticeship with the company GE Caledonian in Prestwick.  They both attend college two days a week, and work three days a week.

Here’s what they have to say about their apprenticeship so far.

Jordan – “I wake up at 5.30am, ready to start work at 7am.  I work on different sections including HPT (Human Performance Technology) and HPC (Precision Engineering). The mechanic demonstrates actions for me to work on. I’m also working towards completing a number of modules for the course”

Gregor - “I mainly work on the shop floor and deal with any engineer incidents that occur. Working in the offices is a great experience, it’s really interesting.”

Both brothers agreed that the best thing about a Modern Apprenticeship is the opportunities that are available to learn, the first-hand experience that they gain, and the fact that they can put the skills they have developed into practice.

When asked, 'what’s the best thing they’ve learned throughout their apprenticeship?'. they agreed the responsibility given to them and the early starts. They enjoy the fact they get to work in a team and follow instructions but are also encouraged to use their own initiative.

Before they started their course, they were a little nervous and apprehensive. However, their team were very welcoming and are always willing to help.

Jordan said, “We’d encourage anyone thinking of doing a modern apprenticeship to definitely give it a chance. As long as you can stay motivated and work hard it can all be worth it. Everyone takes a different route and opportunity, not everyone is the same.

“I plan to be kept on with GE Caledonian, work towards their approvals and towards a career in engineering. My dream job is to be a Power Plant Engineer with General Electric.”

Gregor plans to further his experience on the shop floor and his dream job is a Gate 1 Engineer, however would consider progressing to management in the future.

Jordan and Gregor are both recipients of a John Mather Award and received a toolkit to help them get started on their career at a recent awards ceremony.

The John Mather Awards are an annual event which celebrates the achievements of Ayrshire College graduates who have learned a trade and gone into employment, an apprenticeship or set up their own business within the past year.


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