“I’ve always been interested in starting my own business” – Jack McCrindle, Student Vice President

November 28, 2018 - Martin Currie

Jack has joined the Bridge 2 Business Local Heroes line up for Ayrshire and is now inspiring students with their own enterprise journey. Here is the interview with Jack and Bridge 2 Business.

Who was your biggest hero when you were younger?

I can’t remember ever having a ‘hero’ as such but I was influenced by music at an early age so I can imagine it would be some kind of music artist.

What initially attracted you to enterprise?

I’ve always been interested in starting my own business, not sure what the exact reason was. I think the idea of financial freedom may be a factor but I’ve never thought of the reason really, just something I’ve always wanted to pursue, something that’s my own.

Ive always been interested in starting my own business.Jack McCrindle.jpg

Can you tell us about the first £10 you ever made?

My first £10 I ever made was from a stall outside my front door when I was really young, I had a few cans stacked up and offered people a chance to win one of my old toys if they knocked them down for £2 a shot.

What has been your biggest challenge so far with your business?

My biggest challenge so far has been finding an idea to run with, I need to find something that I’ll stick to.

Who is it that keeps you going through any tough times?

I’ve always had support from my friends and family, they’ve always supported me through my tough times.

What is it that gets you out of your bed in the morning?

Mainly coffee. On a serious note I would say it would be the fact that we don’t ever know how many mornings we’ve got left, always good to try and make every day productive.

How do you define success?

I would say success in business terms would be a business that brings in a stable amount of money, although it all depends what sector the business is in. Another way of looking at it would be, success is setting down a plan and achieving it or learning from the experience if it didn’t go as planned. 

Ive always been interested in starting my own business.Jack Charlotte and Kevin.jpg

If you could give your “teenage self” one piece of advice, what would it be?

Well, I am my teenage self right now, my advice would be to try my best to save, learn as much as I can in what I’m interested in and take the opportunities.

If you could have any one person on your business contact list, who would that person be, and why?

It would probably be Mark Cuban as he’s been successful in terms of business and seems like a good mentor.

Find out more about the Enterprising Students Fund here.



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