It’s never too late to learn Hair, Beauty, Complementary Therapy & Make-Up

June 25, 2018 - Claire Todd

My first interview is with Tracy Douglas, who studies Level 5 Beauty Care and Make-Up. She tells me she’s loved every minute of it.

What made you choose this point in your life to come to college?

“I actually had a really bad experience. I lost my children. Seven years on was a turning point for me, I decided I had to do something.”

What worries did you have about returning to education? 

“I worried that I wouldn’t be capable of studying again, in particular the homework.”

Why did you choose this course?

“It’s something different. I absolutely love the idea of it. It’s interesting and I knew I wouldn’t be bored. It’s pushed me out my comfort zone. I got the chance to meet new people which has been great.  I had a slight fear that it would be a waste of both mine and my lecturers’ time, but I’ve almost completed the course and I am so glad that I decided to study again.”

Tell us about your learning experience

“The course involves waxing, pedicures, manicures, facials, nail art, massages and make-up artistry. It’s been brilliant to learn how to do all these treatments.

A particular highlight of the course was winning a competition. The competition was to create nail art and bridal make-up.  We were given a model, and had to cleanse, tone and moisturise, before applying the make-up. For the nails, one hand had to be painted red with nail art, and the other was a French manicure. We won a goody bag as a prize and it was so much fun!”

What have you enjoyed the most?

“I’ve enjoyed learning about make-up. I’m not used to wearing any, although I now do occasionally. It was never something I was interested in but now I practice at home all the time. I’m definitely confident in applying make-up and my friends are always asking me to do their’s. I enjoy applying make-up and I feel that I am bettering myself through this course. I really feel like I’ve grown as a person.”

I have also been nominated for an Excellence Award, only one person per class wins this and I am so grateful to be chosen from my class.”

What has been challenging?

“The paperwork and the theory. I left school when I was 15 and I’m now 29 so it was a case of re-training. We have to learn to use new technology. I’m used to using a tablet, so the switch to using a PC and learning Microsoft Office Packages like Word and Excel was difficult. I also had to learn how to structure essays and study.  Heather Campbell helped me a lot with this, she’s fantastic.”

What support have you accessed (if any)? And how has this helped you?

“All of the lecturers are amazing. They are always offering to help and even went out of their way to help me with certain topics I was interested in, even if we weren’t learning them in the class at that time.”

Any advice to other adults thinking about returning to education?

“Do it. Don’t be scared. Go for it. All the help you need is available if you ask. I’ve now got a whole new career choice.”

Are you glad you came to college? (Why – what has changed in your life)

“Everything has changed. I now have a new perspective on life and I am so much more confident. It is the best thing I’ve ever done and I’m so glad I took the chance.”

What are you going to do next / what are your plans for the future?

“When I complete this course, I am going to progress to Level 6. One day, I hope to be either be working in a salon or have my own.”

Next, I meet Kelly Ann Cowan who studies Nail Services Level 5 and can’t wait to progress to Level 6 at the Kilmarnock Campus in September.

Tracy Douglas image.jpg

What made you choose this point in your life to come to college?

“I went to college 10 years ago where I studied SVQ Level 2 in nails. I had a house fire which resulted in severe smoke damage which was awful. This took a number of weeks to sort out and resulted in me leaving college. Instead, I spent time raising my daughter and focusing on her needs.

My other daughter is at nursery at the moment, and I felt I wanted to be qualified to work by the time she is at school.”

What worries did you have about returning to education? 

“I didn’t really have any worries, other than the fear of being the eldest student. I realised this wasn’t the case at my induction.”

Why did you choose this course?

“I love doing nails, it’s my passion and my hobby. I’ve spent the past four years doing nails and I’ve always had an interest in it.“

Tell us about your learning experience

“It’s been amazing. Lisa is the best lecturer ever – she’s so nice and friendly. There are different areas to study including nail art, make-up, eyebrows, manicure, pedicure and nail enhancements. We have numerous practical assessments as well as SOLAR computer exams on each topic.”

What have you enjoyed the most?

“Definitely nail enhancements. This is what I came here to learn and I’m excited to progress to the next level next year.”

What has been challenging?

“Make-up. I didn’t even know what a primer was before I came here! Now I have increased my knowledge and my confidence has definitely grown in this area. ”

Any advice to other adults thinking about returning to education?

“Do it. You’re never too old. I actually think it’s better to study when you’re older. I think you pay more attention and you have a different outlook on life”

Are you glad you came to college? (Why – what has changed in your life?)

“I’m so glad I came to college. I’ve changed my career and I am now working towards my dream job. When I was younger I dreamed of being a forensic scientist, but I changed my mind when I realised what a long process it was. I’ve now pursued my hobby instead.”

What are you going to do next/what are your plans for the future?

“I am going to move on to Level 6 of this course in September, while also working as a mobile nail artist. I really like studying at this college, it’s a relaxed environment.”

When the interviews were complete, I watched students practising their new beauty and make-up skills. It was a great chance to see the students at work, they all seem very proud of themselves – and they deserve it!

The students also told me about some trips and extra courses they had been on this year including the Science Centre for Human Body Exhibition, St Tropez Spray Tanning, Fire Safety, Car Safety and visit the Portal, for Wellbeing, Fitness and Nutrition and an introduction to the gym and spin class. Students also have the chance to meet with suppliers in the hair & beauty industry.

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