It’s never too late to learn Travel and Tourism

July 19, 2018 - Katie Ralston

Eleanor, a HND Travel and Tourism student at the Ayr Campus, started her College journey in 2016 with a HNC and has progressed to her HND this year.

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Sitting in the Travel and Tourism class that morning there was an air of excitement from the students. Today my mentor, Eleanor, was going to be presenting her project about the ‘Potential Impacts Arising from Tourism Development’. She needed to pass this presentation as part of the Planning and Sustainable Development in Tourism Unit.

Listening to her presentation I was reminded of just how much of an impact tourism has on a country, let alone the world. Having left the tourism industry a few years ago, I had forgotten how vital tourism is to an economy as well as the difficulties it can present. Eleanor spoke eloquently and enthusiastically about her findings. She was a natural in front of the class, although nervous, she passed with ease. After her one-to-one feedback, we discussed what made her come to College.

What made you choose this point in your life to come to College?

“I wanted to complete my education and start my professional career. I have worked as a Classroom Assistant and other part-time jobs to fit around my family, but they are all grown up now, so I feel it’s the right time.”

What worries did you have about returning to education?

“As a mature student I did worry that I would struggle. Young people are so up to speed with studying, as they are often straight out of an education environment. I was also worried about using technology. I can’t type as fast as young people, it’s so natural to them. This was something I knew I would have to work on.

I researched all my financial options as well. It did concern me that it could be expensive for me to return to education. I made sure it was what I could afford, as I wanted to be excited about coming back. I managed to find options that worked well for me.”

Why did you choose this course?

“I enjoy travelling and the course seemed interesting. There are also a lot of career pathways in the sector. I completed my HNC in Travel and Tourism last year so it felt like the right progression pathway. The skills and knowledge gained from this HND course translates into a variety of different workplaces, which I am excited to explore.”

Tell us about your learning experience.

“I have enjoyed being back in the classroom again. I think the size of the class has helped, it’s smaller than I was expecting. I feel comfortable asking questions and I don’t feel out of place being surrounded by people aged between 19 and 30 years of age. I like that each of our lecturers have a different teaching style as well. They have been so encouraging and make sure that the class is inclusive.

I am amazed with the amount of technology now available in the classroom. Moodle is a fantastic resource for us. I can’t even imagine how I could have studied when I was younger without this technology. It is great being able to continue researching something at home or in the LRC that I am interested in after the lecture.”

What have you enjoyed the most?

“The topics in the course have been great. There are so many different influences in travel and tourism from Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal. It has broadened my knowledge and understanding of these areas and the importance of marketing on tourism development. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to plan and manage an event with my class at the Kilmarnock Campus. It was a great day and I learned a lot from the process.”

(Read more about the event here)

“I am glad I came back to college. I feel I have gained so much confidence and have widened my understanding of the world.”

 What has been challenging?

“Time management! I don’t mean that in the sense that I am late or can’t manage the workload. It’s more that it is my responsibility to complete the course work. Going back into education is kind of surreal at first.

I do have support at home. My children and I are all studying at the same time. Seeing them progress and succeed has encouraged me and kept me motivated. We support each other where we can. Two of my three children went to college before going to university, so they understand the type of support I need.”

Did you enjoy your work experience with the Ayrshire College Marketing team?

“It was great to put the marketing theory I had learnt into practice. I got the opportunity to understand what the College does in a different capacity. I was nervous about joining the team at first but they were all so welcoming and patient. It was a great experience.”

What would you say to others thinking of returning to education?

“Take the opportunity. You will learn so much, not just about the subject, but about yourself too. You will meet people from different walks of life. There are so many opportunities.”

 What are your future plans?

“I am progressing into 3rd Year of Rural Business Management at SRUC. I have recently moved to a rural community and feel I could start my own business there. Maybe a social enterprise of some sort.”

A day in the life of a travel and tourism student was great. The theory was interesting and relevant. I also felt that so much of the course content was transferable to other areas such as sales, marketing, project management, event planning, environmental careers and so on. The course is so much more than the title lets on.

Thinking of Travel and Tourism course?

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