International Women's Day - Our inspiring women - Lauren Howieson, Student President

March 8, 2021 - Jane Moore

Before joining the Student Association, I studied HNC Social Science at Ayrshire College  I think this pushed me to run for Student Elections because I learned a lot about women’s rights and the right to vote so I was really interested in the politics of it all. Funnily enough when I first ran, I was the ONLY female in the running! I was elected as Student Vice President and then ran again for Student President the following year.

What has it been like the last year being the Student President during a pandemic?

It has been hard and at times confusing. I’m in the same position as our students, I’m missing the busy campus life and missing the social aspect of being in college. I work in a great team though, we all keep each other positive throughout this challenging time.

How have you managed to motivate students to get involved with your team?

We have some new clubs and societies which has really helped with student engagement! I run the LGBT group. There is also a gaming society and a Young Carers group.

The students love getting involved and meeting new people with the same interests as them. I have also joined a few online classes (invited by lecturers) just to remind students know that the Student Association is there

What kind of support do you offer students?

I help students with anything. I try my best to listen, and even if it’s something that I personally may not be able to help with, I make sure that I can pass it on to someone that can. I will help students if they want a chat, if they are struggling in class, if they need more help with funding, I'll always try my best to help them.

What are you most proud of in the student association?

One of my personal campaigns is the “Periods R Pants” in which the college provide completely free sanitary products to all students and staff. We work alongside the charity Hey Girls! who supply the products.

Each time a holiday is coming up we make up a pack for students to take away with them so that they don’t run out of these essential products while the college is closed. Students can also give their address and receive these products directly to their door. This is something I am extremely proud of.

What's been your biggest achievement this year?

I think this year it’s how hard I’ve worked to stay positive and keep engaged with students. Hearing of the students continued success through this challenging time is what keeps me going. 

What's next for you?

I would love to continue to work in the education sector as over the past two years I’ve loved everything about working in a college environment – the people, the atmosphere, everything!!

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