A Hairdressing Apprenticeship? How does that work?

March 7, 2022 - Michelle Wallace

So you're considering doing a hairdressing modern apprenticeship or taking on a hairdressing modern apprentice but you have some questions.

Our frequently asked questions may be able to answer some of these for you. You'll find answers to questions about how to get started, how long it will take to achieve the qualification and what kind of skills are needed.

If you have more questions about a hairdressing modern apprenticeship or you would like to speak with someone to get started then get in touch with either Kelly Murray (kelly.murray@ayrshire.ac.uk) or Stuart Cree (stuart.cree@ayrshire.ac.uk) - they'll be happy to hear from you! 

Can I start my Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship (MA) anytime of the year?

Yes. There are start dates throughout the year. Get in touch with us on … to discuss.


Is there an age limit on becoming a Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship?

Yes, you must be aged between 16-24 to be Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship


Is there a maximum or minimum number of Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship per salon?

No, there is no limit on the number of MA’s a salon can have.


Will it cost the salon employing the Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship anything?

It is possible that MA’s will need some kit for coming to college but the course will be covered by SDS.


Who is SDS?

SDS is short for Skills Development Scotland.

They work across Scotland to support individuals to build their career management, work-based and employability skills, throughout their career journey, from school, into further learning opportunities and employment.


What will a regular week be like for a Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship?

We cater to individual salon needs so everyone’s week will be slightly different.


What qualification will I get after my Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship?

You have two options:

SVQ Level 2 Hairdressing

SVQ Level 3 Hairdressing


How long will it take to complete my Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship?

Both the SVQ Level 2 Hairdressing and SVQ Level 3 Hairdressing will each take approximately 18-24 months to complete dependant on ability and commitment.


What are the study options for the Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship?

There are 2 ways to undertake the MA:

  1. Work based
  2. Day Release


Who pays the Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship?

The salon will pay the wages for the Salon Assistant/Junior while SDS covers the cost of the education.


Why would a salon take on a Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship?

Taking on a MA allows you to mould your staff to your way or working and your salon practices while they study for their qualification. It also allows you to provide your Salon Assistant/Junior an opportunity for progression.


What kind of skills do I need to take on the Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship?

You need to be committed, hardworking and have good attendance (both at work and at college). Ultimately you should have the long-term goal of wanting to become a hairdresser.


What skills do I need as an employer who wants to take on a Hairdressing Modern Apprenticeship in my salon?

You should be committed to training, moulding and supporting your Salon Assistant/Junior to achieve their qualification.


Still got questions? Get in touch with either Kelly Murray (kelly.murray@ayrshire.ac.uk) or Stuart Cree (stuart.cree@ayrshire.ac.uk) for a chat - they'll be happy to hear from you! 


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