Brad Johnstone

Director of Digital Infrastructure 

Brad Johnstone is the Director of Digital Infrastructure at Ayrshire College with over 27 years of experience in the Further and Higher Education sector in Scotland. 

After studying at Kilmarnock College, Brad began a modern apprenticeship in Kilmarnock College as a software technician progressing onto a network technician and then an ICT team leader. Following the creation of Ayrshire College through merger Brad progressed to roles of ICT Manager, Head of ICT Services and more recently Director of Digital Infrastructure.   

Brad has implemented several significant transformational projects during his career, including providing an infrastructure to support the colleges mergers, implementing digital infrastructure for the new Kilmarnock campus and recently our migration to utilising cloud services. 

A keen advocate for using technology with a focus on cyber to keep the college and our students safe, Brad is excited by the future the college has in front of us.