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Essential Radio from Ayrshire College is a 24/7 music-led radio station for staff, students and employers. The station was launched in June 2022 with initial funding from the Ayrshire College Foundation and runs from the Kilwinning Campus.
The radio station showcases students’ learning outcomes in selected Essential Skills classes, helping to enhance student learning in an innovative way across all campuses. It is also available to students across the college who have an interest in broadcasting and who may wish to present a programme.
As an additional college activity the station enrich's students with music and news of events happening across the campuses, supporting and inspiring students during their time at Ayrshire College.
We encourage and develop new and creative ways to reach out to our student population via the methods of teaching Essential Skills, while providing local employers with a direct link to students across all campuses.
The Essential Radio team
Paul Woodland
Essential Breakfast Join Paul weekdays from 7.00-11.00am for an essential start to your day!
Scott O'Hare
Essential Home time Join Scott every weekday from 4-6pm.
Tori Anderson
Feelgood Lunch
Kirsty Williams
Feelgood Lunch
Keelin McKenna
Feelgood lunch
Holly Nelson
Feelgood Lunch
Faith Montgomery
Feelgood Lunch
Finlay Campbell
Feelgood Lunch
Bex McNamee
Essential Hits
Tommy Martin (Big Tommy)
Saturday Music Marathon and Big Fat Party Anthems
Stephen Howie
Dave Watkins
The Country Mile
Lee Everest
Ready for the Weekend
Davy Sims
Around the World
David Southway
Soul Vaults