Our Strategic Ambition

Enabling learning which provides our people with the skills to be successful and our economy to thrive. 

Outstanding Experiences

We are committed to delivering high-quality learning and teaching that challenges our students to reach their highest potential, thrive, and succeed. We deliver outstanding experiences through:

Personalised and inclusive

Ambition building

Success inspiring

Partner of Choice

Our commitment extends beyond our campuses to our communities, business partners, and the wider region. We are both regionally focused and globally engaged, positioning ourselves as a key partner through: 

Innovation and collaboration

Impactful contributions

Immersive relationships

Enabling the Future

We are dedicated to shaping the future by driving transformation, embracing continuous improvement, and bringing innovative ideas to life through. 

Leadership and influence within our ecosystem

Data-informed and intelligence driven approaches

Agility and responsiveness

Strategic Ambition 2024-27

Read the Strategic Ambition document