Freedom of Information requests

What is "Freedom of Information"?

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 give the general public the right to access information held by public authorities - including Ayrshire College.

The FOI (Scotland) Act came into force from 1st January 2005 and it requires public authorities to adopt a publication scheme and produce a Guide to Information, setting out information that is published by the authority.

The College's guide to Information sets out:

• the classes of information which we publish or intend to publish

• the manner in which information of each class is, or is intended to be, published

• whether the information is available free of charge or on payment of a fee

The Guide to Information is designed to demonstrate the College's commitment to openness and transparency and the public interest.

You can view our Guide to Information by clicking this link ‘Our Guide to Information.’

Further information about and the Guide to Information may be obtained from:

Allyson Sharp
Information and Customer Relations Officer
Ayrshire College
Hill Street

TEL: 01563 495 066

By emailing

Where can I get further information about the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002?

From the website of the Scottish Information Commissioner:


FOI Complaints

If you are unhappy with the way that your FOI request was handled, or with the response you received, the FOI Act gives you the right to complain. This will be explained in our response to you.

If you wish to complain, the issues you raise will initially be considered by staff not involved in the handling of your original request; this is called an internal review. You will receive a substantive response as soon as possible. We aim to complete internal reviews within 20 working days of receipt. In exceptional circumstances it may take longer than 20 working days to complete an internal review; in such cases, we will notify you in writing.

When submitting a request for an internal review, please state the nature of your complaint and provide the reference number you received on your reply. If you do not have a reference number, please provide details of when you wrote, to whom, and about what. Complaints or requests for internal review should be submitted no more than two months after we sent a substantive reply to your original request.

Requests for internal reviews should be addressed to:

Allyson Sharp
Information and Customer Relations Officer
Ayrshire College
Hill Street

TEL: 01563 495 066


If you are dissatisfied with the College's response to your internal review, you will have a further right of appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner.  You can contact the Information Commissioner by writing to:

Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS

01334 464610