Photography students at Ayrshire College have not let current Covid-19 restrictions stop them from presenting their talents at their annual photography exhibitions.

Ayr and Kilwinning students from NC Photography and Photography (Level 6) courses are hosting virtual exhibitions from 12pm on 28 May 2021, using 'Wix' and the 3D gallery platform ‘ArtSteps’.

Students have been working hard to prepare for the event over Microsoft Teams, as ongoing restrictions have limited the amount of time the groups have spent together on campus.

Kerrin Carr, Essential Skills lecturer working with the Ayr group on their ‘Colour Concepts’ exhibition, said: “As part of their Essential Skills course, NC Photography at Ayr have worked together so well to create an incredible virtual exhibition for their Working with Others unit. Fully embracing 'lockdown learning', NC Photography did not let remote delivery get in the way of effective collaboration. They have excelled in teamwork, and should be very proud of their first Ayrshire College exhibition.”

Brian Woolfson, Essential Skills Lecturer at Ayrshire College’s Kilwinning Campus, said: “In these unprecedented times, I was impressed with the determination of this group of students to come together, albeit virtually, to create a product for everyone across the college to enjoy. The students showed a great deal of initiative and demonstrated collective planning and organisational skills to make this happen. The learners really pulled out all of the stops to ensure that despite the challenging circumstances for many of us, it is still possible to achieve success, and in a highly creative way.”

Ayr student, Rebecca-Anne Walker, said: “The exhibition has really pulled us all together as a group, everyone has been fully committed to making this exhibition a celebration of our work this year at Ayr Campus. We’ve had a great class, and now I hope you’ll join us on the 28 May as we launch a fantastic exhibition to end the year on a high.”

Kilwinning student, Rebekah Raybould, said:” The exhibition helps show our work to the public, in the hopes of showing the beauty of photography in the uncertain times and to make others feel a part of something, when a lot of people feel alone just now.”

You can now view the Ayr group's exhibition here.

You can now view the Kilwinning group's exhibition here.

21 May 2021