Ayrshire College welcomed Minister for Children and Young People, Maree Todd MSP at the College’s Kilmarnock Campus today.

The Minister provided an update of the work being delivered across Scotland to support the Scottish Government’s pledge to expand the provision of free early learning and childcare in August 2020.

Over 180 HNC Early Education and Childcare students from across campus attended the event to hear about the progress across Ayrshire and the students' experiences as part of this.

The Minister welcomed student feedback on the expansion and career opportunities in the area.

Minister for Children and Young People, Maree Todd MSP said “It was my pleasure to meet with students joining the Early Learning and Childcare sector and hearing about their hopes and expectations as they build their knowledge, experience and skills at Ayrshire College.

“The views of the students will help us to shape the sector as we move in to the final stages of implementing the most generous early learning and childcare offer in the UK.”

An engaging Q & A session followed the presentations, with questions from the students.

Julie Maxwell, Director of Curriculum at Ayrshire College, highlighted the collaborative and strategic approach across the region, working with local partners, councils and service providers. Julie said “We are very proud of the teaching, learning and partnership in place across Ayrshire to support our students’ ambitions and careers in early years’ education.

“We were delighted to welcome the Minister along, and for her to hear the first-hand experiences of our Early Learning and Childcare students and staff.”