Make sure you are prepared and know the following foodbank opening times during the Christmas and New Year holiday:

Monday 23 December 2019
Darvel - 10am until 12pm
Belford Mill - 1pm until 3pm
Cumnock - 10.30am until 12pm

Tuesday 24 December 2019
St Matthew's - 4pm until 6pm
Stewarton - 4pm until 6pm

Friday 27 December 2019
Belford Mill - 9am until 4pm
Stewarton - 4pm until 6pm

Saturday 28 December 2019
Onthank - 10.30am until 12.30pm

Monday 30 December 2019
Darvel - 10am until 12pm
Belford Mill - 1pm until 3pm
Cumnock - 10.30am until 12pm

Tuesday 31 December 2019
St Matthew's - 4pm until 6pm
Stewarton - 4pm until 6pm

Friday 3 January 2020
Belford Mill - 9am until 4pm
Stewarton - 4pm until 6pm