Ayrshire College students helped local Young Carers to celebrate Halloween in spooky style recently.

Level 4 Hair and Beauty students from the Kilmarnock Campus offered to assist at the East Ayrshire Young Carer’s Halloween Party, providing face-painting and fun Halloween hairstyles for the children attending.

As part of the students’ Skills for Work project, the students chose to volunteer their time at the East Ayrshire Carers Centre to help local Young Carers. The centre offers one-to-one and group support for Carers and Young Carers who are looking after a family member who may be ill, have a disability or misuse drugs or alcohol.

Zara Sparkes, Employability and Engagement Officer at Ayrshire College, said “The students provided all materials using their own kit and a grant from the Student Association fund, as part of their course project.

“The students really enjoyed the opportunity to provide some Halloween-themed fun activities for the children. They did a fantastic job, and were great ambassadors for Ayrshire College.”

Ryan Duffy, Young Carers Coordinator from East Ayrshire Carers Centre said “Coming to a party like this can make a big difference to a Young Carer, providing respite from the challenges faced by young people because of their caring role. We were thankful of the students giving up their time to help.”

24 October 2019