Ayrshire College welcomed staff from Scotia Windows and Doors to its Kilmarnock Campus on 2 December for staff training.

Two groups, totalling around 50 Scotia Newbuild Installers from across the country attended, where they received updated safety demonstrations on safe use of Paslode Pulsa/Spit Nail Guns, which will allow them to continue to operate on site.

Ayrshire College has an excellent relationship with Scotia Windows and Doors, with the Kilmarnock-based company regularly recruiting highly skilled joinery students from the College’s trades department.

Some of those in attendance for the Paslode Nail Gun training were ex-Ayrshire College students returning to their old joinery classrooms.

Graeme Donaldson, Curriculum Manager for Construction & Trades, Land & Motor Vehicle at Ayrshire College, said: "It was great to see so many Scotia vans coming into our car park on Friday. Scotia are a valued partner of Ayrshire College, supplying us with windows and doors to help us deliver training to our students. In turn, many of our students have successfully obtained employment with Scotia over the years."

Mark Howie, Account Manager for ITW Scotland, who delivered the training, said: “The primary purpose of the training was safe use of the tools, so that’s covering safety across each of the tools that we have set up.

"Those in attendance today will be using the tools a lot, and this gives them the certification to say they’ve received this training on how to look after the tools; how to use them safely and how to clean them."

Martin Woods, Scotia Newbuild Operations Director, said: "Being able to organise a certificated training session for such numbers, delivered by Mark and facilitated with the help of Graeme and lecturer Craig Barrie, is really appreciated, and testament again to the strong relationship built over a number of years between Ayrshire College and a local company such as Scotia Windows and Doors."

8 December 2022