Information on the Board of Management

Latest Board News
How was the Board established?
The Board of Management of Ayrshire College (the “Board”) was established under the terms of the Statutory Provisions contained within:
- Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 (Schedule 2)
- The Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 2005 (Schedule 2B)
- The Post-16 Education (Scotland) Act 2013 (Schedule 2)
What does the Board do?
Ayrshire College is led by the Board who provide strategic leadership, direction, support and guidance. The Principal and Executive Team (who undertake the management functions) report directly to the Board.
The Board:
- ensures the College provides the best possible education and learning environment for its students.
- promotes further and higher education in Ayrshire to contribute to sustainable economic growth and to meet the needs of the learners and the employers of the region.
- approves the mission and strategic vision of the College, including institutional and longer-term learning and teaching plans, the Outcome Framework and Assurance model with the Quality Assurance Agency, business plans, annual budgeting and annual accounts, key performance indicators.
- ensures that the College meets the interests of all stakeholders, including students, staff, employers, Community Planning Partners, other key stakeholders, local communities and funding bodies.
- is the financial and business authority of the College.
- ensures statutory responsibilities are adhered to, including maintenance of proper financial statements and approval of annual budgets and financial statements.
- sas overall responsibility for decisions in relation to assets, property and estate of the College and how they are used.
- ensures, in consultation with the Students’ Association, that arrangements are in place to ensure the proper management of the health, safety, wellbeing and security of students, including meeting all statutory requirements.
How does the Board operate?
The Board:
- consists of a maximum of 20 members, including 12 Non-Executive members bringing experience in industrial, commercial, professional or employment matters.
- Non-Executive Board member appointments and Board Chair appointments are approved by the Scottish Government.
- tenure is for a period of up to four years, extendable on approval.
- is led by the Board Chair, supported by a Vice Chair and a Senior Independent Member, and Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs.
- membership also includes the Principal, 2 staff members (teaching and non-teaching), 2 Trade Union Members, and 2 student members (usually the President and Vice President).
- normally holds Board meetings 4 times per year, plus additional development and strategy sessions, and its work is supported by a number of Committees.
- ensures that its Responsibilities and Standing Orders are followed and that appropriate advice is available to enable this to happen. These Standing Orders set out the Board’s practice on those issues that it has powers to determine, plus the arrangements for the reporting of members’ interests and the responsibilities and duties of board members. At all times the Standing Orders will be compliant with the Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s Colleges and the statutory provisions that determine the governance of the Board.
- ensures it maintains an appropriate balance of knowledge, skills, attributes and experience amongst its membership in order to meet its primary responsibilities and maximise its effectiveness.
Helpful links
Published reports relevant to the Sector:
- Audit Scotland Report for Scotland's Colleges 2023
- Processes and Practices in Governing in Colleges of Further Education in the UK: Uncovering the Complexities of Governing
- Scottish Funding Council Publications
- Scottish Technology Ecosystem Review (The Logan Report)
- The Scottish College of the Future: A Nations-Specific Final Report
- Towards a Robust, Resilient, Wellbeing Economy for Scotland: Report of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery
Links to General Resources
- Board Toolkit for Cyber Security
- Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s Colleges – September 2022
- College Governance (Scottish Government)
- Essential Guide to the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)
- Good Practice in College Governance
- Guidance Notes for Boards in the College Sector
- Guide for Board Members in the College Sector
- Model Code of Conduct for Members of Devolved Public Bodies 2021
- Model Code of Conduct Guidance 2021
- Model Code of Conduct Advice Notes 2021
- Nine Principles of Public Life
- On Board: A Guide for Members of Public Bodies in Scotland
- OSCR Guidance and Good Practice for Charity Trustees
- Publication of Papers and Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
- Scottish Public Finance Manual
- SFC Financial Memorandum with Fundable Bodies in the College Sector
- Statement of Recommended Practice – Further and Higher Education
Links to Resources for Committees
Links to Relevant Organisations
- College Development Network (CDN)
- Colleges Scotland
- Jisc
- Prosper
- Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
- Scottish Enterprise
- Scottish Funding Council (SFC)
- Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
- Skills Development Scotland (SDS)
- South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE)
- Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland (sparqs)
- Student Award Agency Scotland (SAAS)