This year Ayrshire College are running two innovative courses for school pupils in 6th year to promote sport and fitness. Pupils in their final year at school can sign up for courses in HNC Sports Coaching and Development or HNC Fitness, Health and Exercise. Both courses are open to school pupils with two highers and a strong interest in sport and fitness. The courses will both be delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are ideal for pupils with a desire to work in the sport and fitness industry or who plan to study sport and fitness related courses at university. On completion of these courses pupils will be able to progress onto their HND or possibly enter university. As well as providing the applicants with an HNC these courses will also provide valuable work experience with local employers like Active Schools, Kilmarnock Football Club and fitness centres. The students on the Fitness, Health and Exercise programme will receive their Level 2 Gym Instructor qualification.

Paul Brodie the Curriculum Manager for Sport states that “This year's HNC for schools has been a great success story, we have attracted many excellent students, most of whom have plans to go to study sport related courses at university.”

Senior school pupils not in their final year or without two highers can apply for the Level 6 NPA Fitness, Health and Exercise course, which on successful completion will gain them access to the college's HNC programmes.

For further details please contact the Head of Sport, James Adams on 07710 306 970

HNC Exercise, Health and Fitness
HNC Sports Coaching and Development
NPA Sports & Fitness (Team Sports - Football)
Skills for Work: Uniformed Services