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Graphic of lock and numbers with what's my password again heading

IT Blog: Password Managers and Multifactor Authentication

March 23, 2022 - Brad Johnstone | Head of ICT Services

One thing to acknowledge in the digital world we live in is the volume of systems we have access to. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Netflix and a whole lot more then one thing they have in common is that you need a username and password. Now, if you follow the guidance in the blog about passwords it will help protect you but if you use the same password for multiple systems, you can open yourself up to a scary scenario where a hacker can access all of these with ease.

Graphic of fish hanging off fishing rod with don't take the bait title

IT Blog: Phishing

March 15, 2022 - Brad Johnstone | Head of ICT Services

Key things to look out for in a phishing email are Incorrect email addresses. Spelling mistakes. Language used if it is from a corporate account is it professional? Tone, do they usually communicate in this way? Want to know what else? Read the latest IT Blog...

Man sitting, with hand on chin, looking confused. Music notes appear on the left where he is looking.

IT Blog: Passwords

March 9, 2022 - Brad Johnstone | Head of ICT Services

This week the blog is focusing on passwords. We talk about two techniques that can help you create passwords that have complexity, to make it difficult enough for hackers to give up and move on.

Laptop with hand plugging in USB device

Welcome to the first IT blog

February 28, 2022 - Brad Johnstone | Head of ICT Services

Welcome to the first IT blog for Ayrshire College. The theme for the first few blogs is going to be on Cyber Security and hopefully giving you some insight into the techniques criminals use and how you can protect yourself against them.


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