HNC Media students at Ayrshire College have been working with Brownings the Bakers on a television advert concept.
In Partnership with Parents Early Education Partnership (PEEP), Early Years students have adapted a programme aimed at children under the age of five and their parents or carers.
Ayrshire College staff are competing against each other in a workplace walking challenge throughout the month of February.
Ayrshire College has appointed a new Campus Liaison Officer, a partnership post created and funded between Ayrshire College and Police Scotland.
The latest Prince's Trust teams at Ayrshire College has now finished their 12-week course - making history as the first teams from the College to be taught the programme online.
Two Prince’s Trust students from the Ayr campus have been getting into the community spirit this Christmas.
Early Years students at Ayrshire College’s Kilmarnock Campus have donated £370 to charity after a week of Christmas fundraising.
Scottish businesses can now apply directly to Ayrshire College to access up to £5,000 worth of training for their workforce.